Wayne State University School of Medicine community members interested in supporting Ukraine citizens by donating medical supplies may do so through the Ukrainian American Crisis Response Committee of Michigan, an informal association of organizations and individuals formed in response to the escalating crisis inflicted by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The association is collecting humanitarian and medical aid for civilians and children in Ukraine, said Wayne State University School of Medicine student Oksana Doubrovski.
“Classmates, faculty and mentors have expressed sympathy and outrage about the war,” she said.
Doubrovski is a Ukrainian-American and third-year medical student raised in Warren, Mich., part of a large Ukrainian diaspora located in southeast Michigan. Her father was born in Ukraine and came to the United States in the 1990s. Her maternal grandparents came from Ukraine after World War II, and many aunts, uncles and cousins still live in western Ukraine.
“I was born into this community as a second-generation daughter of World War II immigrants and first-generation daughter of an immigrant. I attended and matriculated from the Metro Detroit School of Ukrainian Language and Culture on Saturdays for 11 years,” she said. “My youth was spent as an active member of Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization. I'm just one in a sea of culturally-aware Ukrainian-Americans who want peace, safety and a future to be proud of. I will always do my part.”
Supplies needed include:
Tactical medical backpacks
Combat application tourniquets
Israeli bandages (6 inch)
Thermal blankets
Halo occlusive stickers (analogues)
Hemostatic Celox rapid gauze (analogues) NOT CELOX POWDER
Nasopharyngeal tubes
Burntec hydrogen sticker (analogues)
Decompression needles
Any body armor, helmets, tactical knee pads and tactical goggles
Items are also available for donation through an Amazon Wishlist. Upon selection of the “gift registry” address, the items will be shipped to the home of a committee volunteer.
For questions, call the Ukrainian American Crisis Response Committee in Michigan hotlines at 313-920-9642, 313-920-8245 or 313-920-8959. For additional information, including supply needs, resources and answers to frequently asked questions, visit https://www.uacrisisresponse.org/
Local collection centers include:
Ukrainian Cultural Center (accepting only medical supplies and monetary donations), 26601 Ryan Road, Warren, MI 48091
Hours: Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 5 to 9 p.m.
Contact: 586-757-8130
Motor City Church, 3668 Livernois Road, Troy, MI 48083
Hours: Monday through Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Contact: Sofiya Kulikovska, 248-275-4691