September 11, 2020

Enrollment Management team innovates School of Medicine registration and records

Student enrolling
Student enrolling

The department responsible for overseeing the registration of Wayne State University School of Medicine students, the Office of Enrollment Management, has made significant improvements and updates to its processes the last two years.

The first change came in October 2018, when Banner 9 Registration launched at the university. The program was a complete overhaul of the registration system, with a more user-friendly interface and enhanced registration options.

For the 2020-2021 academic year, self-service registration was implemented across all four years of the M.D. curriculum. Highlights of the change include:

  • For Years One and Two, students had their pre-assigned coursework in their shopping cart, ready to click submit. Students were enrolled in the same courses for the entire year.
  • For Year Three, students had their pre-assigned coursework in their shopping cart. Since there are 24 iterations of the schedule at each of four sites, one of 96 different shopping carts was assigned to each student.
  • For Year Four, students were able to build their shopping cart themselves, and log in to registration as soon as it opened to submit their registration.
  • As students move through the curriculum, their increased familiarity with how to register will decrease the anxiety surrounding registration for their final year.
  • Block self-registration (referred to as “shopping cart” above) was newly-implemented at the School of Medicine. This was the first time this technology was used at Wayne State University.
  • Due to COVID-19, registration adjustments for Year Four electives have increased from prior years. Registration adjustments are now submitted via an online form.

Medical education needs are constantly evolving. New Innovations, launched in 2019, has allowed the School of Medicine to keep up. Innovations include:

  • Students can send evaluations to their preceptors on-demand.
  • Students can log cases and duty hours, as well as complete evaluations of courses and preceptors, and see their own evaluations.
  • Evaluation and grading for the School of Medicine has become 99.9% paperless.
  • Shortening the collection period for grades to just a few weeks in most cases. (Previously, there were delays of six to eight months in getting some grades.)

New Innovations recently launched a mobile app for Undergraduate Medical Education, providing students and preceptors a wide variety of options to perform on their mobile phones. There are still plenty of features New Innovations has to offer, and the medical school plans to make the most of all of them.

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