October 9, 2019

Submit abstracts for first Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference

The Wayne State University School of Medicine will host its first Medical Education Research and Innovation Conference on Dec. 2.

The purpose of the conference is to showcase completed and in-progress medical education research and innovation projects conducted by students, residents, staff and faculty.

The keynote speaker will be Dorothy Andriole, M.D., senior director of Medical Education Research for the Association of American Medical Colleges.

The conference will take place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Margherio Family Conference Center. RSVP here to attend.

Rewards and recognition will be given for best-in-class poster presentations.

Submit an abstract for a completed or in-progress research or innovation project at the following links:

Medical Education Research: Research related to the learning process that occurs within a medical education setting. Topics include, but are not limited to, learner characteristics, optimizing the learning process, assessment and evaluation, professional development, instruction design, technology in the learning environment and wellbeing. Research at any level (undergraduate, graduate, practitioner, faculty) of medical education are welcome. Medical education research can also include quality improvement projects.

Medical Education Innovation: Innovative curricula that address a current issue within medical education. The innovation should be based on learning principles and be designed to meet a specific need. Examples include, but are not limited to, health and wellness, quality improvement, patient safety, interprofessional education and service learning.

Additionally, you can submit a project as “Works in Progress,” which include research and innovation projects that are being developed or have yet to be completed. In place of results in the abstracts, please submit your analysis plan and lessons learned thus far.

Deadline for abstract submission is Oct. 25.

The conference is geared toward first-time participants. In order to assist participants, a series of workshops are planned. The first will be held Oct. 11 from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 301 of the Mazurek Medical Education Commons. Registration is not required.

For more information, contact Jason Booza, Ph.D., assistant dean of Continuous Quality Improvement and Compliance, at 313-577-3889 or jbooza@med.wayne.edu.

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