September 19, 2019

WIMS Group explores "Money Matters" on Sept. 23

The Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Women in Medicine and Science Group welcomes all members of the school community to a special interactive discussion titled “Money Matters” on Sept. 23, from noon to 1 p.m. in Rooms 240-241 of the Mazurek Medical Education Commons.

Claire Pearson, M.D., M.P.H. FACEP, associate professor of the WSU Department of Emergency Medicine, will explore the gender difference in salary and negotiating, women as breadwinners in relationships, and highlights from a female physician’s experience backed by literature and instructional programs. The program will examine the questions, “How much time do you take to make financial decisions?” and “Where do you get your information regarding financial matters as you progress through your training as a medical student (obtaining debt) to a resident (accumulating more debt) to an attending (managing debt)?”

Dr. Pearson is the director of Clinical Research in the Emergency Department at Ascension St. John. She serves as a mentor for Wayne State’s American Medical Women’s Association group and as an advisory committee member for the Women in Medicine and Science Group. She serves on WSU’s Gender Equity Committee.

A light lunch will be served at 11:45 a.m.

Seating is limited. Click here to RSVP.

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