August 6, 2019

Registration open for Wayne Day 2019: Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy

Registration is now open for Wayne Day 2019: Infectious Diseases in Pregnancy, scheduled for Dec. 7-8 at the Shinola Hotel, 1400 Woodward Ave., in Detroit.

Presented by the Wayne State University Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the seminar’s featured areas of interest will include microbiome in pregnancy, bacterial infection in pregnancy, microbiome of the upper genital tract, intra-amniotic inflammation/infection, viral infections in pregnancy and clinical aspects of infection in pregnancy.

Registration before Sept. 15 is $450 for physicians, $200 for residents and fellows, $250 for other allied health fields and $50 for medical students. Register online today.

For more information, contact Alaina Bruce-Jackson at 313-993-4027 or

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