May 10, 2019

Dean's Parking Lot Policies


The small parking lot at the front of the Scott Hall entrance is designated as the dean’s parking area and is intended only for the dean and vice deans of the School of Medicine and their guests. The School of Medicine has more than 2,000 full-time, part-time and voluntary faculty; 1,600 medical and graduate students; and 24 different departments. The 13 legal parking spaces in the dean’s lot cannot accommodate the faculty, staff and student population. Daily parking lists are maintained by the Facilities and Support Services Office. If a name (guest, faculty, staff or affiliate) is not on the daily parking list, parking will not be allowed. There are no spaces for disabled parking in the dean’s lot. Disabled parking is available in Structure 4 or Lot 75. Following are the policies for parking in this lot:


•    Students are not allowed to park in the dean’s lot. Parking is available to students in either Structure 4 during normal operational hours or in Lot 75 after hours and weekends.

Faculty and Staff

•    Wayne State does not provide free parking to employees. All WSU employees who are granted access to the dean’s lot MUST be part of the Wayne State University parking program and MUST display a WSU hang tag from the rearview mirror of their vehicle.

•    Requests by faculty and/or staff for temporary parking in the dean’s lot must be submitted in advance, in writing via email to Krista Mitchell in the Facilities and Support Services Office. Please include date; time in; time out; make, model and color of vehicle; and reason for the need to park in the dean’s lot. If a request is not received in advance, parking will not be allowed.

•    Faculty from other buildings teaching a class in Scott Hall or attending meetings are not entitled to park in the dean’s lot. If you would like to provide parking for a faculty member, pre-paid parking cards for Lot 75 can be obtained in advance through the main campus parking office or funds can be loaded onto One Cards to pay for parking costs. If your faculty members participate in the Wayne State parking program, they can obtain parking access to Lot 75 or Structure 4 by contacting the parking office at  577-Park(7275). Information on how to purchase one-time parking passes can be found at Loading money onto One Cards can be found at

•    All School of Medicine faculty or staff who are granted access to the dean’s lot must sign the log-in sheet located at the Scott Hall guard’s desk at the time of entrance. They must also sign out at the time of departure. Failure to do so may result in a denial of future parking requests.

•    Guest parking is provided to guests of the dean or vice deans and takes precedence over all other requests. If a faculty member is included on the daily list and the dean or vice deans need the space for a guest, the faculty member will be notified and removed from the list.

Visitors and Guests

•    Free parking is not provided for guest speakers, lecturers, vendors or any other guests to individual departments. If you would like to provide parking for any speaker, lecturer or guest, pre-paid parking cards for Lot 75 can be obtained in advance through the main campus parking office. Guest parking is also available in lot 75 using a credit card to swipe in and a credit card to swipe out. Additional information about visitor parking can be found at

•    There may be exceptions when department guests may be granted access to the dean’s lot. Requests will be determined on an individual basis. All requests must be received in writing before your guest’s arrival. All requests must include date; time in; time out; make, model and color of vehicle; and reason for the need to park in the dean’s lot. All requests should be sent via email to Krista Mitchell in the Facilities and Support Services Office. Guests who are granted access to the parking lot must sign the parking log located at the Scott Hall guard’s desk. They must also sign out when departing. Please make sure that guests for whom you have arranged parking is aware of the sign-in log and that they will be asked to sign in when entering the building.

WSU School of Medicine Affiliates (DMC, WSUPG, Henry Ford, etc.)

•    Employees of WSU School of Medicine affiliates and their guests or committee members are not entitled to park in the dean’s lot. Affiliates and their guests are considered visitors to WSU and all policies for visitor parking apply to them.

•    If affiliates who have employees visiting Scott Hall for meetings and would like to provide parking for them, they should purchase pre-paid parking cards for Lot 75 in advance through the main campus parking office. Guest parking is also available in lot 75 using a credit card to swipe in and a credit card to swipe out. Additional information about visitor parking can be found at

There may be exceptions when affiliated guests may be granted access to the dean’s lot. Requests will be determined on an individual basis. All requests for affiliates must be received in writing before arrival. All requests must include date; time in; time out; make, model and color of vehicle; and reason for the need to park in the dean’s lot. Affiliates who are granted access to the parking lot must sign the parking log located at the Scott Hall guard’s desk. They must also sign out when departing. Failure to sign in and out may result in denial of future parking requests.

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