National Public Health Week is April 1-7, and with it comes several events at Wayne State University and the School of Medicine sponsored or presented by the Global Health Alliance, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Department Criminal Justice and Public Health, and the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences’ Public Health Student Organization.
This year’s theme is “Creating the Healthiest Nation: For Science. For Action. For Health.”
The PHSO encourages the WSU community to participate in color-themed days throughout the week. “By wearing specific colors that represent a health topic each day of the week on campus, we can bring awareness to health topics of interest. Everyone can participate and it is free,” said Alymamah Mashrah, a Public Health Student Organization leader.
Learn more about National Public Health week at
Event schedule:
April 1
Wear red for heart disease awareness.
4 p.m., Room 010 Student Center, Global and Urban Health Equity Program presents “Doctors Without Borders: A Personal Journey,” lecture by Ahmed Abalrazag, M.D. He is a physician and medical team leader for Doctors without Borders and former refugee who first fled conflict in Iraq, and later fled Libya for Tunisia. The event is co-sponsored by the WSU local student chapter of Medecins San Frontieres.
April 2
Wear blue for Diabetes awareness.
April 3
Wear green for environment health awareness.
12:30 to 1:30 p.m., Welcome Center Auditorium, 42 W. Warren Ave., Criminal Justice and Public Health presents “Unlocking the System: Systems Epidemiology and Criminal Justice,” featuring Abdul El-Sayed, scholar in residence Criminal Justice and Public Health.
2 p.m., National Public Health Week Twitter Chat. Follow @NPHW on Twitter for updates and use the hashtag #NPHWchat so users can easily search tweets during the event.
6 p.m., Room 2268 Scott Hall, screening of “Screwed by the Greedy Business of American Health Care: A Health care Documentary,” with Vivekanand Palavali, M.D., as moderator, presented by the Global and Urban Health Equity Program. The film is a sequel to Dr. Palavali’s Michigan Emmy-nominated documentary “Bitter Pill: America and Health Care in America.” Donations will be accepted for the WSU Global Health Alliance and the Center for Health Inequity.
April 4
Wear gray for asthma awareness.
Noon to 12:30 p.m., Mort Harris Fitness Center, main level gym floor, “Work Out with the Public Health Student Organization,” featuring Meet Me on Da Dance Floor.
6 p.m., Margherio Family Conference Center, 320 East Canfield, School of Medicine, Global and Urban Health Equity Program Capstone Progress Showcase, presented by student scholars in the GLUE course.
April 5
Wear yellow for suicide prevention awareness.