March 21, 2019

Nominations sought for faculty committees

The Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Office of Faculty Affairs is seeking individuals willing to self-nominate to serve on several School of Medicine committees. Ballots will be released for a general School of Medicine faculty election on or about April 10.

Self-nominations are being sought for the following committees and positions:

Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate
Officer – president - Non-tenured/tenured faculty at the associate professor/professor level in a clinical department (two-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/21) – one vacancy.

Officer – vice president – Tenured faculty at the associate professor/professor level in a basic science department (two-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/21) – one vacancy.

Officer – secretary - Tenured faculty at the associate professor/professor level in a basic science department (two-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/21) – one vacancy.

Officer – treasurer - Non-Tenured/tenured faculty at the associate professor/professor level in a clinical department (two-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/21) – one vacancy.

Member-at-large - Tenured faculty at the associate professor/professor level in a clinical department (three-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/22) – one vacancy.

Member-at-large - Non-tenured/tenure-track faculty at the associate professor/professor level in a clinical department (two-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/21) – three vacancies.

Member-at-large - FTA faculty at the associate professor/professor level (two-year term: 7/1/19-6/30/21) – two vacancies.

The affiliate organization with the most faculty members will nominate two candidates to fill one FTA at-large position. Each of the remaining affiliate organizations will nominate one candidate to fill the second FTA at-Large position. These nominees will participate in the election by the entire AAUP/AFT-represented faculty and the FTA faculty in the School of Medicine Faculty Senate. The candidate for each position with the highest vote count will be elected.

University Academic Senate
S/C/D Member-at-large - AAUP-represented FTE faculty member employed at least 50 percent time (three-year term: 8/18/19-8/17/22) – seven vacancies.

SOM Hearing Panel
Panel Member - AAUP-represented tenured faculty at the associate professor/professor level (three-year term: 8/18/19-8/17/22) – four vacancies

Please respond by email to, indicating the committee and position you are self-nominating for by 5 p.m. March 29. Along with your response please include a short, one-to-two paragraph biosketch to be included with the election ballot.

Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate regular committee meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday, from 3 to 5 p.m., January through September, and from 3 to 5 p.m. the second Thursday of the months of November and December, in Scott Hall. Members must be available all day the fourth Thursday of the month of October, from 7:30 a.m. until the promotion and tenure process is completed.
University Academic Senate meetings begin at 1:30 p.m. the first Wednesday of every month in the Undergraduate Library on main campus.

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