February 28, 2019

Dr. Jerry Yee to receive Seldin Award

Jerry Yee, M.D., the division head of Nephrology and Hypertension at Henry Ford Hospital and chief medical officer of Greenfield Health Systems, will receive the Donald W. Seldin Award at the 2019 Spring Clinical Meetings in Boston.

"I am greatly honored to receive the Donald W. Seldin Award," said Dr. Yee, a clinical professor at the Wayne State University School of Medicine. "His vision and excellence in medicine and nephrology were unparalleled. The award is special because it represents equally those entities that inspire exemplary care of kidney patients: teaching, to entrust one's knowledge to future generations of nephrology health care providers and research, the genesis of that knowledge. Simply, it's not one or the other that drives excellence; it's both. Dr. Seldin knew that."

Dr. Yee has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters, and has held multiple leadership positions regionally, nationally and internationally. He has lectured nationally and internationally on chronic kidney disease, diabetic kidney disease, hypertension and acid-base/electrolyte disturbances.

"It is an honor to bestow this award on such an accomplished mentor and educator as Dr. Yee," said Holly Kramer, M.D., president of the National Kidney Foundation, said in a news release. "Dr. Yee is following in the tradition of award winners before him and is an important figure in training the next generation of nephrology professionals."

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