The Wayne State University Division of Government and Community Affairs is accepting nominations for the 2019 Spirit of Community Awards, which recognize outstanding community service by university students, faculty and staff. The 2019 Spirit of Community Awards ceremony will be held April 11, 2019, in the Student Center Ballroom.
Nominations must be received by midnight on Nov. 14, 2018. One winner will be selected by a panel of judges in each of four categories: faculty, student, staff and project.
Started in 2017, the awards are presented by the Division of Government and Community Affairs in collaboration with the Office of the President, Office of the Provost, Dean of Students Office, and the Division of Development and Alumni Affairs.
Nomination forms for each category are available at the following links:
• Project nomination form:
• Student nomination form:
• Staff nomination form:
• Faculty nomination form:
Last year's winners included:
• Joan Verla, coordinator of ArtsCorpsDetroit in the College of Fine, Performing and Commination Arts, received the Staff Engagement Award. Verla was awarded for her work facilitating art volunteerism efforts between community centers, neighborhood organizations and ArtsCorpsDetroit volunteers.
• Tolulope Sonuyi, M.D., an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine in the Wayne State School of Medicine, received the Faculty Engagement Award for his work with DLIVE and mentorship in the Detroit Community.
• Tannia MacKethan-Rodriguez received the Student Engagement Award. MacKethan- Rodriguez, who earned both her bachelor's and master's in biomedical engineering from Wayne State, founded the Wayne State chapter of Timmy Global Health, which provides continuous health services to patients in the Dominican Republic.
• Diabetes Education and Wellness Clinic (D.E.W.) won the Project Engagement Award for its work providing resources and services to diabetic patients in greater Detroit.
Visit for additional information about the Spirit of Community Awards.