January 9, 2018

Dr. Jack Ryan Research Award applications sought

Linda Hazlett, Ph.D., vice dean of Research and Graduate Programs, and Daniel Walz, Ph.D., associate dean of Research and Graduate Programs, are seeking School of Medicine faculty members interested in applying for the Dr. Jack Ryan Award Endowed by the Dr. Morris S. Brent Fund.

The award is given annually to a School of Medicine faculty member who submits a meritorious proposal for the conduct of research of importance to the medical field. The goal of the program is to encourage the generation of preliminary data to be used in an external grant submission.

The Office of the Vice Dean for Research, School of Medicine, will determine the merit of the proposals. All School of Medicine faculty are eligible to submit proposals, which are due March 9. The award(s) will be announced at the Medical Alumni Reunion Day on May 19.

For the 2018 competition:
Proposals addressing any aspect of biomedical research relevant to and with translational applicability are eligible for consideration.

Submissions are encouraged to have a departmental match of 50 percent (this award is $7,500). For example, if the applicant is requesting $7,500, the principal investigator is encouraged to have in writing a departmental match of $3,750.

Send one complete pdf file of your proposal to Yanna Jones at ykjones@med.wayne.edu with a cc to Dr. Hazlett at lhazlett@med.wayne.edu and Dr. Walz at dwalz@med.wayne.edu by March 9.

In your proposal please include the following:

Name, academic rank and title

Lay description of the project proposed (not to exceed 400 words)

Significance of the proposed research (not to exceed 200 words)

Description of the proposed project (not to exceed two single-spaced pages, using NIH R01 formatting)



Anticipated Results

Budget and justification (one-half page — excluded from the three pages)

To complete the application:

Describe the role, if any, of graduate and/or medical students in the proposed research (approximately 150 words)

Use NIH Form D Biographical Sketch for the applicant and other participating faculty members

Letter of guarantee of matching funds if the award is made from the departmental chair (not to exceed one page)

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