Pictured: Peter Karpawich, M.D.
Peter Karpawich, M.D., and Thomas Forbes, M.D., of the Wayne State University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, were invited faculty members at the seventh World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, held July 16-21 in Barcelona, Spain.
In addition, Dr. Karpawich, who is a professor and director of Pediatric Cardiac Electrophysiology at Children's Hospital of Michigan, was the invited chairman for the educational session on "Advances in Cardiac Electrophysiology Among Adult Patients with Congenital Heart Disease."
Dr. Forbes is a professor and director of Pediatric Cardiac Intervention at Children's Hospital. The congress is an international organization that provides the opportunity to meet the leaders of specialties worldwide, to learn about the latest innovations and the results of procedures, and to contribute to the discussions, debates and plenary sessions with renowned speakers.
The central philosophy of the congress is to bring together all major specialties in the field, and the meeting's scientific program is planned to address all interests and expertise with concentration streams on pediatric cardiology, pediatric cardiac surgery, adult congenital heart diseases, anesthesia, intensive care and nursing.