August 17, 2017

Wellness Warriors: Meredith Busman

Meet runner (and cook) Meredith Busman. Meredith, pictured here with her biggest cheerleaders -- her parents -- is a member of our Class of 2018, and has been racing since her junior year of high school. She runs everything from cross country to 5ks to marathons and every distance in between. She's also quite the accomplished cook because of it.

"I've run seven marathons so far and I am planning on racing the Chicago marathon this fall. It has taken a lot of work, but I am proud to say I am considered a sub-elite athlete on the national marathon circuit, and my ultimate goal is to qualify for the American Olympic Trials," Busman said. "Long distance running has been a great outlet for me during medical school, even when it meant getting up at 4:30 a.m. on snowy January mornings to run a couple miles before my surgery clerkship. It keeps me focused and I hardly ever miss a day, whatever might be going on. It requires good nutrition, so I cook for myself nearly every night and my friends know me either as 'the girl who runs' or 'the girl who cooks.' I've even won several cooking competitions."

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