Pictured are Daniel Sherwood and Leika Raychouni, who presented "Recurrent Ileo-Ileal Intussuception as the Primary Presenting Symptom of Celiac Disease in Children."
Third-year medical students at the Wayne State University School of Medicine earned accolades for work presented in poster format at the 40th annual Michigan Family Medicine Research Day XL Conference, held May 25 at Cleary University in Howell, Mich.
Jaskirit Gill received Best Poster by a Student (Case Report) for "Quest for Physical Perfection: A Case Study in Unlicensed Liquid Silicone Gluteal Augmentation."
Students Patrick Lai, Monique Mun, Leika Raychouni and Daniel Sherwood also presented case studies at the event.
"Each of them represented our school very well," said Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Career Development Margit Chadwell, M.D., F.A.A.F.P.
More than 230 residents, students, residence program and medical school faculty, and other health care professionals from WSU's Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine, Western Michigan University, Michigan State University and the University of Michigan convened for the conference. Presentations showcased research developments in Family Medicine and primary care in Michigan, including topics such as quality improvement and patient safety, managing resident fatigue, health care disparities and more.
In keeping with the tradition of the conference host rotating annually, WSU's Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences will serve as the conference coordinator in 2018, in partnership with Family Medicine departments at Michigan's other medical schools and the Family Medicine Foundation of Michigan, the philanthropic arm of the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians.