The Wayne State University School of Medicine's Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Biochemistry, in conjunction with the WSU Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training Program, have established the newly formed Computation in Biology Outreach and Research Group.
The mission of CiBORG is to facilitate the discussion and effective implementation of computational and analytical techniques among biomedical researchers in the School of Medicine and the university. The specific aim is to provide a consistent venue for "focused, yet informal" discussion of current literature and the effective implementation of contemporary computational techniques in biomedical research among WSU graduate students, postdoctoral students and faculty. As WSU laboratories implement new computational tools in their research, CiBORG asks that they share the process, including tips, caveats and hands-on proof-of-concept demonstrations.
Upcoming seminars:
March 23: Managing government, academic and industrial collaborations in bioinformatics research, featuring Danielle Whittaker, Ph.D., managing director of the NSF BEACON Center at Michigan State University.
March 30: The impact of intellectual property laws on computational biology, featuring Jennifer Carter-Johnson, Ph.D., J.D., associate professor of Law for Michigan State University.
May 4: Implementation of bioinformatics in core facilities and industry, featuring Chris Gates, M.S., lead software engineer for the Bioinformatics Core at the University of Michigan.
May 11: Modeling evolution using artificial intelligence and machine learning, featuring Chris Adami, Ph.D., Michigan State University.
May 18: Database management and software development in a health care setting, featuring Carlos Anderson, Ph.D., senior software developer for the University of Michigan Health System.
All seminars begin at 1 p.m. Thursday in Scott Hall's Room 7364.
Upcoming workshops:
April 13: Learn how to analyze diversity of microbiome and other ecological community data, featuring Kevin Theis, Ph.D., assistant professor of Microbiology, Immunology and Biochemistry.
April 27-28: Software carpentry - in this two-day-long session participants will learn the fundamentals of programming, including command line operations, version control and an introduction to Python. Advance registration is required.
Workshop locations to be determined.
For additional information contact Kevin Theis at