M4s Abigail Entz and Amol Kamat review the latest donations to an ongoing book drive for displaced Syrian medical students that launched last month.
The Wayne State University School of Medicine's Class of 2017 is leading a medical textbook book drive for Syrian medical students who have been displaced to Istanbul University in Turkey because of the war in Syria.
The book drive began last month with the help of Class of 2017 counselor Loretta Robichaud, N.P., C.N.S., R.N.
Donations are mailed to the Syrian American Medical Society Education Committee in Washington, D.C., for distribution.
"Everything we're hearing is they're just desperate for learning materials," Robichaud said.
Fourth-year medical students Abigail Entz and Amol Kamat are organizing the effort on behalf of their class.
"When Mrs. Robichaud reached out to Student Senate about this project, it seemed to perfectly fit with Wayne's mission of diversity and service, and I was very eager to help," Kamat said. "Our fellow Syrian students in Turkey have faced so many challenges that most of us at Wayne could never imagine, yet they have maintained their dedication to learning and medicine, which was incredibly inspiring to me. The Wayne State community seems to agree, as the outpouring of support from the students and faculty has been overwhelming."
New or gently used medical textbooks, study guides or other applicable learning materials in English or Arabic can be dropped off at the Office of Student Affairs, Mazurek Medical Education Commons, Suite 315, Attn: Loretta Robichaud. For more information, email lrobicha@med.wayne.edu.