Amrit Misra, M.D., a fourth-year resident in the Wayne State University School of Medicine-Detroit Medical Center's Medicine-Pediatrics program, has received the 2016 Howard Schubiner Award from the National Med-Peds Residents' Association.
The award recognizes his work in developing a local in-patient Med-Peds consultation service intended to bridge gaps in care for patients with chronic medical diseases of childhood.
The Flint native will receive $250 to be used for educational purposes and a $250 travel grant to attend the National Med-Peds Conference on Oct. 22 in San Francisco.
The service assists with outpatient transitions of care, as well as medical management of patients who are older than 16 at Children's Hospital of Michigan or those with complicated medical problems, such as cerebral palsy, at Detroit Receiving Hospital and Harper University Hospital.
He is now working with other specialty clinics to develop ways to transition patients to adulthood, and is developing a Med-Peds community health elective with his co-residents to learn more about community organizations in Detroit.
"I would not have won this if I didn't get a chance to work with some of the most extraordinary faculty and residents, and incredible patients. All of these people inspire me to be better every day, and I am really fortunate I had a chance to work with all of them," he said.
Dr. Misra received his medical degree from the University of Michigan.