Lawrence Horn, M.D., professor, residency program director and chair of the Wayne State University School of Medicine Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation-DMC, was appointed to serve on the Wisconsin Physician Service Government Health Administrators' Contractor Advisory Committee for Jurisdiction 8, representing his specialty and Michigan for five years, effective Sept. 8.
WPS Government Health Administrators has served Medicare beneficiaries since 1966, providing service to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Medicare Program, specifically managing Medicare Part A and Part B benefits in multiple Midwest states. The Jurisdiction 8 CAC represents Michigan and Indiana and is comprised of physicians, a beneficiary representative and representatives of other medical organizations, and provides a formal mechanism for physicians in the state to be informed of and participate in the development of a Local Coverage Determination, or LCD, in an advisory capacity. The CAC also is a mechanism to discuss and improve administrative policies that are within carrier discretion and serves as a forum for information exchange between carriers and physicians.
CAC members serve to improve the relations and communication between Medicare and the physician community. Committee member responsibilities include disseminating proposed LCDs to colleagues in their respective state and specialty societies to solicit comments, disseminating information about the Medicare program obtained at CAC meetings to their respective state and specialty societies, and discussing inconsistent or conflicting Medical Review policies.