Six high school students from the metropolitan Detroit area will spend their summer working in the laboratories of three Wayne State University School of Medicine researchers as part of the Biomedical Career Advancement Program, a six-week internship founded in 2014 by Department of Pediatrics' Postdoctoral Fellow Jennell White, Ph.D.
The program, conducted June 20-July 29, offers high school students exposure to state-of-the-art techniques, work experience, mentorship and networking. The students will enter their senior year in the fall.
Dr. White received her doctorate in Physiology from the School of Medicine in 2011 and is now a hematology/oncology postdoctoral research fellow in the lab of Associate Professor of Physiology and Assistant Professor of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Patrick Hines, M.D., Ph.D. She also is senior scientist for Functional Fluidics LLC, a flow-based blood diagnostics start-up founded in 2013 by Dr. Hines and based at WSU's TechTown Detroit.