June 15, 2016

Radiation Oncology resident Dr. Mark Zaki receives Roentgen Research Award

Program directors from participating North American residency programs select their own honoree for the annual award, which recognizes and encourages outstanding residents and fellows in radiologic research.

"I was overwhelmed by this recognition. I have been fortunate to work with a team of talented and dedicated researchers," Dr. Zaki said. "Two of my faculty mentors have received this award in the past when they were WSU residents, and it is particularly meaningful for me to receive this award now with their guidance."

He thanked attending physician Peter Paximadis, M.D., an assistant professor of Radiation Oncology who has supported and instructed him through several projects; Division of Radiation Oncology Chief Harold Kim, M.D., who involved him in protocol writing for an institutional study; and Residency Program Director Steven Miller, M.D., who Dr. Zaki said strongly supports and encourages resident research.

"At WSU, we have tremendous, dedicated faculty members and a solid infrastructure in place to support resident education and research," Dr. Zaki added.

The award recognized three first-author publications and several awards and presentations. Dr. Zaki won the Cureus Exceptional Responders in Oncology publishing competition, and presented talks at the 2015 American Society for Radiation Oncology annual meeting and 2016 Michigan Radiological Society annual meeting. He also received a Best Essay travel award from the American College of Radiation Oncology.

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