Wayne State University today announced the appointment of veteran administrator Rob Kohrman as vice dean for Fiscal Affairs for the Wayne State University School of Medicine. The appointment is effective Jan. 18, 2016.
"Rob's extensive and integral leadership experience overseeing the Wayne State University budget will be essential to addressing the issues confronting our School of Medicine, the Wayne State University Physician Group, and the Fund for Medical Research and Education," said David S. Hefner, M.B.A., vice president of Health Affairs for the university.
Kohrman will report directly to Hefner; School of Medicine Dean Jack D. Sobel, M.D.; and William Decatur, WSU vice president for Finance and Business Operations, treasurer and chief financial officer.
Kohrman, associate vice president for Budget, Planning and Analysis for WSU - a position he will transition out of over the next six months while he takes on his new role - successfully provided direction for the university's budget during one of the most challenging financial periods in WSU's history.
"I am very excited about this new opportunity and look forward to all the new challenges and adventures in this role," said Kohrman, of Rochester Hills, Mich. "I am honored that President (M. Roy) Wilson and Vice President Hefner have placed their trust in me to take over this very important position."
Kohrman developed performance metrics for all schools and colleges to assist in the budget development process, implemented a quarterly budget review process, led the implementation of the Hyperion Financial reporting system and oversaw the development of the visual analytics systems for predictive analytics.
"Rob's business acumen is a welcome addition to the high-performing team leading our turnaround plan and charting the future success of the Wayne State University School of Medicine," said Jack D. Sobel, M.D., dean of the School of Medicine. "His experience with the university will be beneficial as we continue to enhance the school's national reputation as a premiere urban research center."
Kohrman also oversaw the university Enrollment Management offices on two separate occasions. That experience will come into play as he assists in developing the enrollment management functions for the School of Medicine.
"Rob's extensive knowledge of budget management and the elements of a strong financial control environment will be tremendous assets for the School of Medicine and the university in his new role," said William Decatur, WSU's vice president for Finance and Business Operations, treasurer and chief financial officer. "His experience with the overall finances of the university will help us build a seamless and integrated University financial operation."
Before joining Wayne State University, Kohrman served at the University of Colorado for more than a decade, where he was part of a team that transformed the former Fitzsimons Army Medical Hospital into the University of Colorado's Anschutz Medical Center. He also was the main liaison for university Fiscal Affairs to the state legislature and the main liaison to the University of Colorado's Foundation.