January 31, 2013

Student Corner

Hello Alumni:
We'd like to introduce ourselves. We are Marc and Bruce, two medical students at Wayne State University. It is our pleasure to serve as the Alumni Association student representatives through the School of Medicine student senate, an organization we are proud to serve on. As part of this position, we will be contributing a special section each month to the e-newsletter.

The purpose of this column is to keep alumni up to date on the many happenings in the lives of medical students, from events and volunteering to awards and recognition. We also hope to facilitate communication between students and the vast alumni family, leading to strong connections between students, recent alumni and established physicians. We are excited to provide a student perspective, and it is our wish that you read our column and feel reconnected with your medical school. As this is the first newsletter including a direct student contribution, we would like to thank you for reading our column. In future newsletters, we will dedicate more space to informing you about student life, but we would briefly like to express our excitement about the activities of two student organizations: Aesculapians and Student Senate.

Aesculapians, the School of Medicine's service honor society, has teamed with the charity Blight Busters for the year. Aesculapians is sending students to northwest Detroit to improve the aesthetics and safety of a neighborhood impacted by blight. It is a tremendous way to help the city and spend a day away from the hospital or medical textbooks while getting your hands a little dirty.

Student Senate is planning our annual Gala, a night of festivities in which students can dress up and shake off their stress among friends and faculty. We hope you have fond memories of Gala if you attended while in medical school, as senate intends to produce a fun night that creates lasting memories.

We hope our words inspire you to keep up with student events at the medical school and to reach out to us if you would like to chat or become involved with the events we write about. We assure you that students are always eager to speak with and learn from past graduates of the Wayne State University School of Medicine!
Bruce Kaczmarek MSIV and Marc Korn MSIII

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