August 17, 2012

MPAC lecture to focus on Supreme Court ruling on health care reform act

The Wayne State University School of Medicine's Medicine and Political Action in the Community organization will present a lecture on the Affordable Care Act on Aug. 22.

The group's guest lecture will feature Lance Gable, J.D., M.P.H., WSU professor of Law, who will speak on the "Supreme Court's Decision on Health Care Reform" at noon in the Margherio Family Conference Center. The lecture is open to all at the School of Medicine.

Professor Gable teaches Public Health Law, Bioethics and the Law, Torts and other health law subjects at the Wayne State University Law School. He is a scholar with the Centers for Law and the Public's Health: A Collaborative at Georgetown and Johns Hopkins Universities, which is affiliated with the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

His research addresses the overlap between law, policy, ethics, health and science. The author of "Research With High-Risk Populations: Balancing Science, Ethics, and Law," he is the principal investigator for the project Developing Ethical Guidelines for the Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources During Public Health Emergencies in Michigan. He also serves as co-chair of the Wayne State University Clinical and Translational Research Ethics Workgroup and of the Wayne State University Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee.

MPAC is designed to support the involvement of WSU medical students interested in political issues and action. Through a series of lectures and other activities, students develop an understanding of how the medical profession interacts with public affairs.

An organizing meeting is scheduled for Aug. 20 in the Margherio Family Conference Center at noon.
For more information on MPAC, call 313-577-2830.

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