December 7, 2009

Dr. Mittal honored by International College of Surgeons

At a recent reception hosted by the International College of Surgeons in Chicago, Immediate Past President Vijay Mittal, M.D., was honored for his contributions as 2008 section president. His portrait, which will be displayed at ICS headquarters in Chicago, was unveiled during the reception.

Dr. Mittal, chief and program director of General Surgery at Providence Hospital, is a clinical associate professor of Surgery at the Wayne State University School of Medicine and chair of the Surgery Committee for the Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education.

Many of Dr. Mittal's surgical residents attended the ceremony. Many of his former residents are now members of the ICS.

Dr. Mittal recently was awarded the sixth annual Excellence in Medical Education Award by the SEMCME Board of Directors. The award, in the form of a Pewabic tile, is presented annually to an individual who has made significant contributions to the SEMCME consortium and its medical education endeavors.

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