OVPR announces opportunities
The Ralph C. Wilson, Sr. and Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Medical Research Foundation is offering its 2005 Research Grant Program for Discovery in Biomedical Sciences at Wayne State University. The program is designed to support innovative, high-risk/high-impact biomedical research. Funding under the program for the current year is designed to foster novel and innovative research in the areas of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, neurosciences and musculoskeletal disorders. The principal focus of such prospects should be basic research calculated to advance new ideas leading to new or improved drugs, therapies, treatments or devices. It is also intended to encourage expansive thinking resulting in research proposals which by their nature may be difficult to fund in traditional ways due to the high-risk nature of the proposed research.
At this time, the foundation invites full-time faculty to submit an application to the Office of the Vice President for Research that is oriented toward a specific disease in the areas noted above. Applications that take a multidisciplinary approach with potential to develop or apply new technologies is strongly encouraged. All applications will be reviewed by an internal review committee, and three will be selected to be submitted to the foundation. One two-year award will be made for a maximum of $100,000 per year ($200,000 total maximum) to one WSU proposal. Applications are due to Julie O'Connor via email no later than 5 p.m. on Aug. 30. For full application details, please visit the OVPR website at http://www.research.wayne.edu The first box under "Announcements" will link you to a PDF document which describes the proposal requirements.
In addition, the OVPR is pleased to announce that Dr. Stephen Russell has agreed to present his Research Grant Writing Seminar to faculty on Aug. 8. The seminar will be a required for faculty interested in participating in Dr. Russell's six-month grant-writing workshop, which will be announced shortly. For more information on this opportunity, please email research@wayne.edu.