November 5, 2007

WSU partners with Henry Ford Community College on early admission program

Wayne State University and Henry Ford Community College recently formalized an agreement through the WayneDirect partnership that extends to students at Henry Ford Community College certain benefits usually reserved for students formally admitted to Wayne State.

WayneDirect is an early admission partnership between Henry Ford Community College and Wayne State University. It is designed for current HFCC students who have designated Wayne State as the university where they will receive their bachelor's degree. Those students will be admitted to WSU at the same time they are admitted to or enrolled at HFCC.

The partnership between HFCC and Wayne State is an expansion of WayneDirect which is an example of the call for more collaboration between state funded community colleges and universities throughout Michigan. WayneDirect was launched in Oct. 2006 when Wayne County Community College and Wayne State University entered into the early admission partnership. In the future WayneDirect will be implemented in all of the Michigan community colleges that provide a substantial number of transfer students to Wayne State.

Under the program, HFCC students also will be provided with access to special services and opportunities that will ease their eventual transition to Wayne State while increasing their likelihood for success.  Anyone admitted to Henry Ford Community College is eligible for WayneDirect.

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