November 5, 2007

Main Campus: Holiday Closures; International Week

Holiday closures announced
Wayne State University will be closed during the following holiday periods:

  • Thanksgiving break: Thursday, Nov. 25, and Friday, Nov. 26;
  • Christmas: Friday, Dec. 24;
  • New Year's Day: Friday, Dec. 31; and
  • Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday: Monday, Jan. 17.

In addition, the university will be closed between the the Christmas and New Year holidays, from Saturday, Dec. 25, through Thursday, Dec. 30.

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International Week continues
The third-annual WSU International Week will continue through Friday, Oct. 8. This year's highlights include the 34th Annual International Fair, Special Annual Coffee Hour, the International Fashion how and the Study Abroad Fair as well as several seminars and workshops. For more information, including a full calendar of events, visit

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