November 2, 2007

Information Technology: R/Bioconductor Workshop

A workshop on R and Bioconductor will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday, Sept. 27, through Thursday, Sept. 30, in Lab M, Shiffman Medical Library. R is a popular software package for statistical computing, and Bioconductor is a large collection of R packages that are used to analyze microarray and other types of genomic data. This workshop will cover selected topics about how to use the software at WSU. This will also feature training components in grid computing, which allows researchers to save time by distributing their R calculations across many computers. Space is limited to 20 participants, all of whom should be comfortable using unix/linux systems. For more information, contact Daniel Liu at (313) 577-2465 or at For more on the software, visit and

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