November 2, 2007

Facilities: Scott Hall parking circle; Children's Hospital library wired for PDA use

Scott Hall parking circle policy announced
The Scott Hall parking circle is reserved for three types of parking: pre-approved vehicles for Scott Hall and Lande; state of Michigan vehicles; and deliveries (10-minute limit). The area will no long be considered handicapped parking. However, if someone presents an extremely compelling reason for short-term handicapped parking, we will consider the request. No requests will be approved automatically. To make such a request, medical students should see Dr. Kertia Black, and graduate students should speak with Dr. Ken Palmer. Only after their review and concurrence will the facilities office consider such a request. Employees may contact Chuck Pokriefka directly.

Children's Hospital of Michigan Library set up for PDA use
The medical library at Children's Hospital of Michigan recently received a technology improvement award to support the use of handheld computers in the patient-care environment. A wireless hotspot has been established in the library, and PDA resources have been purchased for circulation to Children's staff. The project is funded with cooperation from the National Library of Medicine, part of the National Institutes of Health.

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