October 12, 2007

Dr. Karpawich reports accomplishments

Peter P. Karpawich, M.D., WSU professor of pediatric medicine and director of cardiac electrophysiology at Children's Hospital of Michigan, recently participated as an invited faculty member at the annual scientific meeting of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology Working Group of Electrophysiology in Cairo. Dr. Karpawich's presentations included "Optimizing Paced Ventricular Function in Children" and "Therapies for Abnormal Arrhythmias in Children." Dr. Karpawich also appeared on Egyptian national television after performing the first intracardiac electrophysiology and ablation study in a child with abnormal heart rhythms at the newly built National El-Galaa Hospital.

In addition, Dr. Karpawich has been appointed to the faculty of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the International Heart Rhythm Society, to be held in New Orleans in May, as well as the Pediatric Advisory Panel for Medtronic Inc., which will discuss device application in children.

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