October 11, 2007

Training Grant Seminar Series: Cardiovascular Research Collaborative


The WSU School of Medicine's Office of Graduate Programs, in partnership with the Henry Ford Health System, will host the first in a series of seminars on Friday, Sept. 7, to foster collaboration among investigators from both institutions to further research and stimulate training of a new cadre of inter- and multi-disciplinary researchers across the cardiovascular field.

Each seminar will be presented by two researchers: a Moderator who will introduce the topic, followed by the featured Speaker who will present his/her specific research and discuss potential collaboration and training opportunities in the area. The seminars will be held from 3:00-4:00 PM on the first Friday of the month.

The first seminar will be held on Friday, September 7 at 3:00 PM in 2268 Scott Hall.

Seminar Theme: Current Research on Hypertension

Speaker: Oscar A. Carretero, MD, Division Head, Hypertension and Vascular Research, Henry Ford Hospital

Title: "Hypertension: Inflammation and Target Organ Damage"

Moderator: Noreen F. Rossi, MD, FACP, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, and John D. Dingell VA Medical Center, Wayne State University

Please click here for seminar notice and further details. If you have any questions regarding the seminar series, please contact Dr. Ambika Mathur as follows:

Ambika Mathur, PhD - Director, MD/PhD Program Director, Programmatic Grants
WSU School of Medicine
1128 Scott Hall
Tel: (313) 577-6872 / (313) 577-1455
FAX: 313-577-8796


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