October 10, 2007

WSU researchers awarded grants by Midwest Eye-Banks

Midwest Eye-Banks has provided awards to three WSU School of Medicine researchers. Bozena Fyk-Kolodziej, Ph.D., a research associate in the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, received $14,000 for a study entitled "Potential role of protein kinase C in postsynaptic modulation of glutamate receptors in the inner retina." Student stipends were awarded to Caiping Hu for "The role of voltage-dependent calcium channels in mammalian retinal bipolar cells" and Sherry Lighvani for "The role of neuropeptides in regulation of the host inflammatory response." Hu works under the supervision of Zhuo-Hua Pan, Ph.D., associate professor of anatomy, and Lighvani works in the lab of Linda Hazlett, Ph.D., chair of anatomy.

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