November 11, 1998

News advisory

The relationship between globalization and wages, workers, employment and monetary policy will be the subject of 3 free lectures Saturday, Nov. 14, at Wayne State University. All presentations will be in room 150, General Lectures Building.

Professor Francois Martou, governor of the National Bank of Belgium and president of the Belgian Christian Workers Movement, will discuss Globalization, Development and the International Monetary System at 9:15 a.m. At 11:15 a.m. WSU Professor Doug Fraser, former president of the United Auto Workers, will present Globalization and Its Impact on Workers. At 1:15 p.m. Steve Babson of the WSU Center for Labor Studies will cover Globalization: NAFTA and Auto Workers.

Two courses are being offered in relation to the lecture series: The Great Transformation and the Education of Adults: Globalization, Ethnicity and Politics and One Globe, Many Worlds. The lectures are a collaborative effort between the interdisciplinary studies program of the College of Lifelong Learning; bilingual and multicultural education in the College of Education; the political science department in the College of Liberal Arts; and the To Educate the People Consortium of the College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs.

For more information contact Otto Feinstein at (313) 577-6337 or Eric Bockstael at (313) 577-4612.

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